Pranav Kurungod Anoop wins the Oregon Open

Pranav Kurungod Anoop came to Portland with a 1956 rating, giving him the unenviable challenge of facing 4 masters and 2 experts at this year’s Oregon Open. But he was up to the challenge, scoring 4 wins and 2 draws on his way to winning the 71st Oregon Open Championship. Zoey Tang and Austin Tang tied for second with 4.5 points.

David Murray, Fedor Semenov, and Colon Diamond tied for first in the Under 2000 section with 5 points out of 6.

Michael Rabadan was a perfect 6 out of 6 to win the Under 1600 section.

Darsha Verma had 5 wins and a draw to win the Under 1200 section.

Finally, Steve Breckenridge won the blitz tournament, with Jason Cigan finishing second and Jack Woo McLain finishing third.

See the US Chess Crosstable for details.