The 2022 Oregon Class Championships Chess Tournament will be held November 5-6, Daylight Saving Time weekend.
Sponsored by the Oregon Chess Federation (OCF)
FORMAT: The tournament is a 5-round Swiss paired event with three rounds on Saturday and two rounds on Sunday and is open to everyone, regardless of residency or age. Up to two half point byes are available if requested before round one.
SECTIONS: There are seven sections, Master/Expert (2000+), Class A (1800-1999), Class B (1600-1799), Class C (1400-1599), Class D (1200-1399), Class E (1000-1199), and Class F and below (U1000). The official November US Chess over-the-board regular ratings are generally used for section eligibility and pairings. Unofficial US Chess over-the-board regular ratings, US Chess online regular ratings, or converted foreign ratings are generally used for players with no official US Chess over-the-board regular rating. Players may play up only one class (this means players rated under 800 and unrated cannot play up a section as playing up a class would still put them in the Class F and below section). If there are less than five players in a section, it will be combined with an adjacent section.
TIME CONTROL: G/90;inc10 (ninety minutes per player with ten seconds added for each move). Bring an increment capable digital clock as none are supplied (sets, boards, notation sheets, and pens/pencils are provided for tournament play only). Players are responsible for knowing how to set their clock correctly.
SCHEDULE: A players meeting is at 9:45am on Saturday. The rounds start at 10am, 2:15pm, and 6:30pm on Saturday and 10am and 2:15pm on Sunday. Remember to set your clocks back an hour on Sunday morning for the end of daylight saving time.
RATED: All of the sections are US Chess regular rated.
ENTRY FEE: $70, with an additional $35 play-up fee if you play up a class. Free entry for GM’s and IM’s (up to $70 is deducted from any prize won). US Chess membership is required for all players. Oregon Chess Federation membership is required for Oregon residents.
PRIZES: $3500 based on 75 players. The prize fund is adjusted proportionally if there are a different number of players except $1750 is guaranteed. Each section has the following overall prizes: 1ST-$250, 2ND-$150, 3RD-$100. Prizes are combined and split if there is a tie.
QUALIFIERS: The Master/Expert section is a qualifier for both the Championship and Challengers sections of the Oregon Closed and all the sections are a qualifier for the Oregon Scholastic Chess Federation (OSCF) State
LOCATION: Lloyd Center DoubleTree Hotel, 1000 NE Multnomah St, Portland, OR 97232. There is free parking in the hotel parking garage. Call 1-800-996-0510 to reserve a room. The room rate is $159 for a standard single queen room. This rate is available until October 15. You can book a room from this special Hilton registration link.
REGISTRATION: There are two different ways you can register for the tournament. 1) Preferred method: register online at (note: you must pay the entry fee on the website via credit/debit/PayPal to complete an online registration). 2) Send your registration information (player name, US Chess ID, section, any bye requests, address, and email) and a check payable to the Oregon Chess Federation for the entry fee and if applicable US Chess membership fee to Mike Morris at 2344 NE 27th Ave, Portland, OR, 97212 (Note: mailed entries will be added manually to the online roster once we receive your registration). The deadline for us to receive your registration is by the end of the day on Thursday, November 3. No on-site registration on the day of the tournament.
TOURNAMENT RULES: 1) For all sections, players are not allowed to have a phone or other electronic device capable of chess analysis or communication on their person during their games. Any such device a player has with them must be turned off and stored in the player’s bag (backpack, chess bag, etc.). The penalty for possessing such a device is at the discretion of the chief tournament director. 2) You must let the volunteer tournament staff know at least 30 minutes prior to the start time of the next round if you are going to withdraw from the tournament or skip a round. Any player who forfeits a game without a valid reason in the judgment of the chief tournament director will not be allowed to play in the Oregon Class Championships next year.
QUESTIONS: Send an email to [email protected] if you have any questions or need to withdraw or miss a round.
The flyer can be downloaded from here.