OCF Annual Membership Meeting – Sunday, September 15, 2024

We will hold the Oregon Chess Federation Annual Membership Meeting at 7:00pm on Sunday, September 15 on Zoom.

Agenda (may be updated before the meeting):

  • President’s Report – Wilson Gibbins
  • Treasurer’s Report – Mike Morris
  • Fundraising Report – Roshen Nair
  • Delegate’s Report – Carl Haessler
  • Vote on officers and directors who will hold their positions for the next two years. You can nominate someone to run for office by using this page.
  • Vote on proposed changes to the Bylaws. Currently there are none proposed.
  • Open Discussion

The current officer and director candidates are:
  President: Wilson Gibbins
  Vice-President: Geoff Kenway
  Treasurer: Eric Holcomb
  Tournament Coordinator: Zoey Tang
  Secretary: Dave Murray
  Director-at-Large (Vote for 2)
    Greg Markowski
    Mike Morris    
    Micah Smith

Invitations to the Zoom meeting will be sent by email to all OCF members for whom we have an email address on Wednesday, September 11. If you do not receive an invitation by email and want one, please provide your contact information in this form and we will send you the Zoom link by email.